The Slaughtered Lamb Movie Podcast
Whilst never claiming to be experts, Frank and Darren love to look at movies and talk about their own personal experiences, knowledge and connections to them. Each week we take a look at some of our favourite movies that are rarely covered within the Podcast and YouTube Communities.Please feel free to join our Facebook Community for the latest updates and previews.https://www.facebook.com/groups/803029887178672You can also email us at tslmoviepodcast@gmail.comOur Show is now available on YouTube, please join in the fun over at...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLfaW3fd5Oo-nFvKsL_1CfQ
Podcasting since 2020 • 390 episodes
The Slaughtered Lamb Movie Podcast
Latest Episodes
EXPERIENCING Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 For The FIRST TIME EVER
Tune in as we dive into the classic 1990 film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! It's Darren's first viewing, and Frank’s excited to find out if he enjoys this iconic movie. Join our fun discussion and share your thoughts too!#ninjaturtles #tee...
These Characters should have been KILLED OFF!
As a follow on to our Serial Killer Survivors episode, we're taking a look at the ones that we felt should have been killed off!#DirtyHarry #trap #basicinstinct Join Darrens solo channel at @MrSandsman ...
All Horror Q&A - Feb 21
Join us for a live Q/A and all round horror discussion.Join Darrens solo channel at @MrSandsman Join Franks solo channel at @Frank_Riker Thanks to all our YouTube Members for supporting th...